"You're not married because you're too picky!"

Huh? What?! Excuse me? That should've been my response when someone would say that to me but I didn't want to feed into the negativity. In the years after I finished college, there were several people who said things like the statement above to me -- repeatedly. It's not that they were trying to be rude. They were offering an unsolicited opinion but I believe they actually thought they were helping. Perhaps they settled at some point in their life and thought that was the thing to do -- that it was normal to lower your standards in order to attain certain things, relationships, positions, etc. I was not accustomed to that way of living. Instead of responding, the twenty something year old me began to internalize their words. Unfortunately, I actually began to believe or buy into their opinion about my identity. I added "picky" to my invisible list of terms that describe me. I'm cringing at the thought that I allowed people to speak into my life. It wasn't until I came to Christ, years later, that I realized that -- they were wrong! Once I began seeing myself through the eyes of God, I started to understand who God says I am. This was no automatic happening. It was a process. For me, it took several years. About three years into my relationship with Christ, I participated in a prayer challenge. Although, the focus of this prayer challenge was supposed to be prayer over relationships, the speakers were coaching us through internal work. During one of the sessions, one of the speakers suggested sitting with God and asking him who he says we are. So during my prayer time one evening, I went into my prayer closet, which at the time was a corner of the den in my apartment, sat down on my pillows and I asked God straight out. I said "God, Who am I to you? I mean, like, who do you say I am?" Yes, with horrible fillers and all, I sat with my Father and simply asked. Then I sat there and as words came to my head I wrote down what I heard.
"My beloved" I wrote that down.
"More precious, than rubies" Oh that was a good one.
What else God? "Daughter"
I like that. "Holy and beloved" Ooo that's nice too
"Chosen" Okay, you really love you some me.
"Heir" Wow! That's a big deal!!
You get the point.
LOL, I can be pretty conversational with God during our quality time. I'm not sure how long I sat there that night but I had a full page when I was done. It was so simple. I only needed to ask and God told me how he sees me. Thee GOD. The God of everything - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the universe, and EVERYTHING in it! He calls me Beloved, Chosen, More precious than rubies... all of those awesome things. I couldn't stop smiling. Back then, I used to like to lay in the floor and sing to God. I think that's what I ended up doing that night. The next evening after getting off work, I went back into my prayer closet and I looked up scriptures related to what I felt like God was saying to me the night before. That experience was my first step in understanding my identity in Christ's eyes. God has taught me so much since then. As I grew in my my relationship with Christ, I learned the most endearing thing, his love is not conditional. He loves me because he created me. There is nothing I have done and nothing I can do to make him love me more or less. He loves me because I am HIS! (Ephesians 2:10; Jeremiah 1:5; Romans 5:8)

I created these FREE identity scripture cards for you. Each card has a different scripture focused on our identity in Christ according to the word of God. Just print them out on cardstock paper and use them daily to mediate on the word of God. It's also a great idea to make a few of them your memory verses! Click here to get your 9 printable identity scripture cards it delivered to your inbox right now!
After you get your FREE printable identity scripture cards, head on over to our Promises of God collection. A few of our pieces are in identity based. Check out the "Beloved Colossian 3:12 Heart Shaped Pendant" or the "Chosen 1 Peter 2:9" Pendant.
Enjoyed this entry? I'll be back next month to talk about my experience with the fasting discipline or the adventures that bought me to the realization that I have been set apart. I haven't decided which one yet. Let me know what you want to read next below! If you're shy and prefer not to leave your name just put "Kingdom Cutie" in the name slot :)
Thank you for reading! Now go and get your Identity in Christ Printable Scripture Cards.
Ursula ♥
Owner & COO
Identity in Christ Identity scriptures verses bible identity in Christ quotes verses printable